Home Industry News AUS-SPEC collaborates with industry to update the national specifications.

AUS-SPEC collaborates with industry to update the national specifications.


By Nandini Mehta, AUS-SPEC Manager

AUS-SPEC provides the national specification system for managing infrastructure assets and responds to the evolving needs of local government. To ensure that the technical documentation meets the current standards of best practice AUS-SPEC maintains multiple long-term collaborations with industry organisations and helps Councils provide effective services to their community.

The 2023 AUS-SPEC update released recently includes new, revised and reissued documents. It also features input from key collaborators including Austroads, the Pavement Recycling and Stabilisation Association (AustStab), Australian Flexible Pavement Association (AfPA) and the IPWEA.

AUS-SPEC has worked in collaboration with Austroads to align the Roads maintenance umbrella worksections with the Austroads AP-R673 Roads Asset Data Standard for local government. The Austroads Road Asset Data Standard (RADS) provides road agencies with a specification for the data that supports common operational activities. RADS establishes a common understanding of the meaning or semantics of the data to ensure appropriate use and interpretation of the data by its stakeholders. It also provides information on Priority Data Sets (PDS) that can support harmonisation activities, funding approvals, national reporting, innovation, shared services and communication for both local government and state road authorities.

The following spreadsheets, include RADS sort codes for the Priority Data Sets and will assist local government in providing consistency for road reserve asset data collection:

  • 1602 Maintenance schedules – road reserve
  • 1604 Annexures to road reserve maintenance plan (RMP)

The aim of these worksections is to promote national uniformity and good practice in specifications for data collection, road asset maintenance and in implementing RADS in local government. For more information on RADS please visit austroads.com.au.

AUS-SPEC in collaboration with AustStab released four new pavement stabilisation worksections in October 2022 to provide practical and economic benefits to Councils.

The four new stabilisation worksections further improved in 2023 include, 1161 In situ pavement stabilisation using cementitious binders, 1162 In situ pavement stabilisation using bituminous binders, 1163 Ex situ (plant mix) pavement stabilisation, and 1164 In situ pavement stabilisation of unsealed roads. Each of these documents elaborate on content in 1113 Subgrade and formation stabilisation (formerly 1113 Stabilisation).

The collaboration with AustStab ensures that the pavement stabilisation worksections reflect the latest innovations and best practices. These documents will benefit the regional and rural councils effectively maintain their sealed and unsealed road network.

AUS-SPEC and AfPA have been working together for several years to ensure that the AUS-SPEC asphalt specifications reflect current industry knowledge and practices. AfPA endorses the worksections 1143 Sprayed bituminous surfacing and 1144 Asphalt (roadways) and reviews them prior to each October update. The reviews focus on evolving sustainability requirements based on demonstration trials in various states, and the availability of new materials, for which Councils need accurate specifications to ensure road safety and performance. Through their collaboration, AUS-SPEC and AfPA provide Councils with fit-for-purpose specifications to effectively maintain their road network.

In 2023, AUS-SPEC has worked in collaboration with the IPWEA NSW and ACT Development Engineering Panel to update the existing TECHguide TG201 Process and procedures for development and subdivision of land and develop a new TECHguide TG201 NSW Process and procedures for development and subdivision of land in NSW.

This TECHguide is applicable to the design requirements and planning approval process for development and subdivision of land within a Council area in NSW. This TECHguide will assist the Councils in NSW to better utilise the AUS-SPEC design and construction specifications that provide information on design criteria, documentation requirements and technical requirements for infrastructure development associated with the subdivision of land. This will allow the councils to specify the design requirements that are consistent with Council policies and standard documentation.

Austroads, AustStab, AfPA and IPWEA are specialist industry organisations that generously share their knowledge and experience with AUS-SPEC. Annual updates are a fundamental part of AUS-SPEC’s specification service to incorporate changes to codes, regulations, standards and industry practices.

AUS-SPEC subscribers benefit from industry collaboration to implement the national specification system incorporating regulatory changes every year, embedding sustainability requirements and new improved construction practices to provide the best possible infrastructure for their communities.

AUS-SPEC is a joint venture by NATSPEC and IPWEA. The brochure Introduction to AUS-SPEC is now available at www.aus-spec.com.au. NATSPEC has maintained AUS-SPEC specifications since 2007. NATSPEC is a not-for-profit organisation owned by Government and industry. It maintains the National Building Specification and has been a valued part of the Australian construction industry for over 45 years.

For more information, visit www.aus-spec.com.au and www.natspec.com.au. For specific AUS-SPEC case studies visit www.aus-spec.com.au/case-studies and for NATSPEC case studies visit natspec.com.au/NATSPEC_Subscriber_Case_Studies_Brochure.pdf

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