LOGiT IPWEA Indigenous Scholarship winner: Shauna Klaas

Shauna Klaas was a week into a new role as Asset Data Officer at Queensland utility Unitywater when a LinkedIn post advertising the LOGiT...

Aiming high: how one young engineering leader is achieving her career goals

Young leader Jo O’Brien has achieved several goals and milestones in her civil engineering career.

IPWEA member profile: Colour Me Green Horticulture’s Brett Oldland

Brett Oldland’s career shifted up a gear thanks to his knack for problem solving. Having started out as a council truck driver before completing...

Swimming through the tide of asset and financial management: David Jenkins

I am not a good swimmer. I learnt to swim as a child and completed the 100m badge, which essentially meant that I would...

Getting the balance right: Port Pirie’s Director of Infrastructure, Kathryn Johnson

Mornings at Kathryn Johnson’s house in Port Pirie are hectic. The Director of Infrastructure at Port Pirie Regional Council has three sons aged 14,...

IPWEA CEO David Jenkins: Why our members are so vital to a functioning society

By supporting public works engineers, IPWEA plays a vital role in society

The importance of storytelling

By David Jenkins Undoubtedly, people in technical professions have a highly developed understanding of their chosen domains after many years of study and experience. The level...

Myles ahead: our new Australasian President outlines his vision for IPWEA

New Zealand native Myles Lind had only been in his first proper job for a week when he received some advice that has shaped...

Marc Sibbald Q&A

The fleet management industry has such a diverse range of people and roles, and everyone has a unique story of their journey in our...

IPWEA CEO David Jenkins: addressing the growing skills shortage

The must read and comprehensive Infrastructure Market Capacity report that Infrastructure Australia released in October makes for sobering reading. It predicts that more than 100,000...

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