Home Asset Management Q&A with Ross Goyne: ISO Standards Feedback

Q&A with Ross Goyne: ISO Standards Feedback


In this month’s Q&A, we talk to former IPWEA President, Ross Goyne about the important role he plays in representing IPWEA at the Standards Australia Mirror Committee MB – 019 and how you can provide feedback in the revision of ISO 55001 and the other ISO Asset Management Standards.

Q: Introduce yourself and explain your background with IPWEA:

A: I am a civil engineer with over 43 years’ experience. The first 27 years was spent in local government in both NSW and Victoria. Between 2005 and 2018, I was consulting across a number of fields including Asset Management, Contract Management, Project Management, Service Reviews & Service Planning and Locums. In 2013 I was the recipient of the prestigious Municipal Engineering Foundation Victoria, Excellence in Engineering Medal (The Cedric Tuxen Medal).  

I have been a member of IPWEA for 35 years and joined the Local Government Engineers Association back in 1986. This then morphed into the Institute of Municipal Engineering (IMEA) and then to the current IPWEA.

I am a Fellow of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) and was a Director of the IPWEA VIC Division Board for 16 years and served as President for a two-year period from October 2013.  I also served on the Australasian Board for 7 years and was the Australasian IPWEA President from June 2015 until my retirement from the Board at the end of 2017. 

I am still actively involved with IPWEA including as a member of the NAMS Council and on International and Australian Standards Committees. 

Q: What is the Standards Australia Mirror Committee MB – 019 (ISO 55000 Asset Management Standards)?

A: In early 2020, I was nominated by IPWEA to become a representative on the Standards Australia Mirror Committee MB – 019 to follow on the excellent work undertaken for many years by Peter Way.This committee currently comprises representatives from 11 sectors. The current nominating organisations are: Australian Road Research Board, Asset Institute, Asset Management Council, Australian Pipelines and Gas Association Limited, Defence – Industry Division, Energy Networks Australia, Engineers Australia, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Print And Visual Communication Association, Professionals Australia and Water Services Association Of Australia Inc.

The Standards Australia MB-019 Asset Management Committee is a mirror committee of the International Standards Organisation Technical Committee ISO/TC 251 – Asset Management. I also participate as an independent expert on ISO/TC 251.

This committee is responsible for the suite of International Asset Management Standards, the ISO 55000 series. The series comprises:

  • ISO 55000:2014 – Asset Management – Overview, principles and terminology
  • ISO 50001:2014 – Asset Management – Management systems – Requirements
  • ISO 55002:2018 – Asset Management – Management systems – Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001
  • ISO/TS 55010:2019 – Asset Management – Guidance on the alignment of financial and non-financial functions in asset management

The ISO/TC 251 Committee has established a number Working Groups supporting its endeavours and I participate in two of these, WG5 – Finance and WG6 – Revision of ISO 55001.

Q: Why should members be interested?

A: In both the public and private sectors, it is crucial to establish and maintain effective asset management to ensure long-term sustainability of the assets that support the delivery of services to our communities and customers.

The ISO 55000 suite of Asset Management Standards complement IPWEA’s strong industry position in the asset management arena. The ISO Standards provide “The What” needs to be done and IPWEA then provides “The How” it is done. This is achieved through the various training programs and products that IPWEA provides.

The products include, but are not limited to, the 2020 International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM E-Book), International Infrastructure Financial Management Manual (IIFMM), a series of Practice Notes and the NAMS+ Toolkit for Asset Management Practitioners.

On the training front, there is now an Asset Management Pathway provided, that will enable long-term career development and is designed to meet the current and future needs of the asset an infrastructure focused professional.

Q: What can our members and customers do to get involved?

A: ISO/TC 251 WG 6 are in the early stages of the revision of ISO 55001. WG4 are charged with the revision of ISO 55000. It is expected that revision of ISO 55010, facilitated by WG5, will also get underway in parallel with the others.

This means that the participating committee experts will be wanting feedback from the practitioners using these standards on any matters they consider need review. ISO has emphasised the need for collaboration between the working groups to ensure consistency across the suite of ISO 55000 standards.

Personally, I intend to glean as much feedback as possible to enable its consideration and input into the review processes wherever appropriate.

Opportunities for input may be via members IPWEA Divisions, the IPWEA Web based Asset Management – Communities of Interest forum or directly to me. I look forward to the engagement and the opportunity to provide that feedback into the formal ISO review process.

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