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Sponsored Article: LBM Fleet – Grey Fleet: is this a blind spot for your organisation and workers?


LBM Fleet is excited to announce our new grey fleet solution.

The use of grey fleet happens every day across most organisations and whilst there is usually administration around the reimbursement, there are limited solutions to easily manage the fleet, and its drivers and the organisation’s road safety responsibilities. Whilst road safety management of standard car fleets is generally well regulated and well understood, this is not the case for grey fleets.

What is Grey Fleet?

If you haven’t heard of grey fleet before, it is essentially vehicles used for work that are not owned or managed by the driver’s employer. As a result of the pandemic and the modern hybrid workplace, more organisations are increasing their use of grey fleet. This is raising concerns about managing the safety, compliance, operational and reputational risk from their use.

Our Solution & How It Works

Our solution gives managers and organisations visibility to manage their risk and ensure their drivers are meeting their obligations and vehicles used are compliant, safe and fit for purpose.

LBM’s cloud-based grey fleet solution for drivers and safety teams covers a range of checks including:

Driver’s Licence
Manage drivers licensing and renewal process with the ability to setup periodic checkpoints to trigger driver declaration of current licence.
Fit to Drive, Medical Assessments or any other checks required
Manage status and renewal of relevant checks required to carry out duties and/or hold licensing.

Current Registration

Automatically manage vehicle registration with our integrated live ‘rego check’ feature which validates vehicle registration status with the relevant state authority.
Prestart Checks
Schedule drivers to complete customisable prestart checklists with workflow to follow up and manage any defects.


Manage insurance due dates and store the relevant documentation to ensure the vehicle is correctly insured. Workflow and reminders when approaching due.
Servicing and Maintenance
Actively manage scheduled servicing including driver reminders triggered on vehicle scheduled servicing requiring proof of work uploaded by the driver.
Fit for Purpose
Manage ANCAP rating, fuel efficiency and age of vehicle to ensure the vehicle is adequately equipped for business use.
Journey Planner
Integrated with the driver’s calendar, journey planner will apply policy parameters to flag any fatigue or safety issues in advance to allow the driver to change their behaviour and plans.
Roadworthy, Pink Slips & Certificate of Compliance
Remind and manage driver compliance certificates and checks.
Condition Declarations
Schedule driver condition reporting including declarations and evidence.

Employee Reimbursement Report

Prepare expense claims for mileage driven for business use.
Vehicle Recalls
Get alerts on vehicle recalls and ensure the relevant vehicles are rectified.

Policy and Framework

Enforce grey fleet standards tied with consequence framework to workflow any issues and exceptions.
No in-car device is needed for this solution.

Enabling this solution in your grey fleet will help your organisation manage their workplace health and safety policies and reduce risk to your organisation.

Don’t wait for something to happen. Mitigate your risk with LBM’s grey fleet solution today.

Contact the team today.

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