Home Fleet Management Leaders in EV transition collaborate on cutting-edge fleet management software

Leaders in EV transition collaborate on cutting-edge fleet management software


By Smartrak

Spearheading a new era of sustainable transportation, Smartrak has unveiled an exciting collaboration with key industry players; Meridian Energy, Griffith University and Aurecon, to revolutionise day-to-day EV fleet management.

The EV Enablement initiative will see the development of industry-leading software by Smartrak, focused on facilitating the seamless integration, operation, and management of electric vehicles (EVs) within fleets.

Real-world fleet experiences driving software development

What sets Smartrak’s Initiative apart is its industry-led approach. The formation of a Special Interest Group (SIG), including Griffith University, Aurecon and Meridian Energy ensures the software development process is driven by real-world experiences, insights, and priorities. Leveraging the group’s collective expertise, Smartrak is developing solutions to address the pain points faced by EV fleet operators today and into the future.

Mitchell Howard from Griffith University highlighted the importance of a system that not only facilitates the operations of an EV fleet but also encourages and supports users in adapting to EVs over traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. 

“This was the driving force behind partnering with Smartrak and engaging in their Sustainable Transport Initiative,” says Mitchell.

“They are leagues ahead of the market in not only EV fleet management but engaging with customers like us to adapt their system to our needs and priorities. The EV Enablement Initiative has allowed Griffith University to vocalise our priorities such as emissions reporting, reporting on FBT savings due to increased EV use and customising Smartrak’s new Trip Planner to focus on intercampus travel.”

Rich Mitchell, Aurecon’s Intelligent Transport System ANZ lead, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Aurecon is thrilled to work alongside Smartrak in our journey to decarbonize our vehicle fleet.”

A comprehensive solution for every stage of your fleet’s EV transition

Whether you’re thinking of transitioning to EVs, running a small trial or have fully transitioned your vehicles, Smartrak’s EV Enablement capabilities software touch every stage of the transition journey. Through an innovative suite of features, Smartrak’s solutions empower you to proactively manage your electric and traditional fleets side-by-side and help you reach your organisation’s sustainability targets:

  • Report live EV data, regardless of being plugged in or not
  • Maximise your EV:Charger ratio and address grid capacity constraints
  • Be confident EVs will be sufficiently charged for bookings
  • Minimise costs by ensuring your fleet is right-sized
  • Understand why staff aren’t bookings EVs and provide actionable insights
  • Reach your organisation’s sustainability targets faster

The rate of EV adoption is gaining momentum, and Smartrak recognises the challenges that come with it. By actively involving industry players in the development process, Smartrak is committed to creating a differentiated solution that addresses the true needs and expectations of the market whilst removing obstacles for a smooth transition to electric fleets.

To learn more about Smartrak’s EV Enablement Solutions visit smartrak.com/EV. Or come see us at our stand at the IPWEA Australasian Fleet Conference on 25-27 March 2024.

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