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Sponsored Article by Before You Dig Australia: Digging on a job site? Here’s how you can get plans for underground infrastructure


Any excavation, big or small, can damage underground infrastructure. This can lead to service interruptions, project delays, costly repairs, and in the worst-case scenario, injury to workers and the community.

The BYDA referral service provides plans and safety guidelines to prevent unnecessary damage and harm to underground assets. Lodging an enquiry is free, easy and can be done via our website. We recommend that enquiries are lodged at least two days ahead of the project commencement to allow ample time for planning. Plans indicate the presence of underground assets only and not their exact location. These should be used as a guide only and is the first step in safe excavation practices.   

Did you know we do free education sessions too?

BYDA delivers education and damage prevention sessions to those involved in digging and excavation works across the country. We have Damage Prevention and Awareness Officers in each state and territory who can tailor a toolbox talk or a more in-depth session to meet your team’s needs. Our sessions include:

  • An introduction to BYDA,
  • How the service works,
  • An excavator’s duty of care,
  • The 5Ps of Safe Excavation,
  • How damages occur,
  • Consequences of damages, and how to prevent them.

We also highlight state-specific regulations so landscapers can proceed with the best knowledge and safety practices.

For more information about our education sessions, visit our website.

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