Challenges for New Zealand’s health infrastructure

By Steve Mooney Effective and financially sustainable asset management requires a commitment to maintenance and renewal with a close eye on future changes in demand,...

Local Government debt levels. An issue in search of a solution

By Steve Mooney When the UK’s second largest city, Birmingham, effectively declared itself bankrupt last year the news reverberated around the world, but the city...

Broader collaboration can deliver better outcomes

By David Jenkins and Steve Mooney One of our missions at IPWEA has been to bring a greater financial sustainability perspective to asset management. This...

Health sector a ticking time bomb for New Zealand

By David Jenkins and Steve Mooney In a recent television interview Geoff Cooper, from the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission Te Waihanga, used an excellent analogy...

What value for natural assets?

By David Jenkins Infrastructure planners worldwide are increasingly looking to include natural assets and green infrastructure in new and more sustainable asset solutions, but this...

Taking a fresh ‘systems’ approach to infrastructure

By David Jenkins The philanthropic Rockerfeller Foundation estimates that US$2.5 trillion is spent globally on infrastructure each year, and while that seems like a considerable...

New Zealand’s infrastructure opportunity

By David Jenkins and Steve Mooney Rugby, netball, soccer, cricket, athletics, golf—Kiwis can't agree on which sport we are best at in the world. However,...

Public works professionals are first responders, too.

By David Jenkins David Jenkins When the public thinks of first responders, they automatically think of flashing sirens, ambulances, and police officers and firefighters in distinctive...

Aligning the professions will deliver better results.

By David Jenkins When discussing the modern framework for asset management, we often use the word holistic to describe how several disciplines need to work...

New inundation modelling to help US agencies forecast flooding

The US National Weather Service has unveiled experimental flood inundation maps with modelling capabilities to help agencies respond to the impacts of flooding. The new...

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