Home Community Refurbishing Memorial Pools with Modular Technology

Refurbishing Memorial Pools with Modular Technology

Image: Blaney Centrepoint Sport & Leisure

Modular stainless-steel technology is helping local councils save time and money in refurbishing many memorial pools across Australia.

Memorial swimming pools are the heart of many councils’ aquatic infrastructure. Many are structurally sound, but often leak and use outdated circulation that no longer meets health regulations. Councils are met with a decision: do they apply short-term repairs to the pool structure and internal finishes, or do they replace the pool with a completely new structure?

What if the decision to replace the entire pool structure was more cost-effective than it sounds? With modular technology, companies such as Myrtha Pools are helping councils save time and money with their patented RenovAction solution to renew their 50+ year old memorial pools with a solution that works and is designed to last.

How It Works

Refurbishments using RenovAction technology encompass the entire pool structure: from the pool walls, the pool floor, and the overflow gutter.

  • Stainless steel-panels are manufactured to the specific designs of the pool with AISI 411 grade stainless steel, which are then bonded with a hard PVC surface on the inner face of the panel through a lamination process. The end result is a product with the strength and integrity to be mechanically processed and bent in excess of 180-degrees without affecting the integrity of the PVC membrane.
Pool structure graphic
  • A small amount of demolition and concrete work is carried out Prepare the existing concrete shell to suit the Myrtha technology and modernise the circulation of the pool water.

Pool area being built
Image: Temuka Community Pool Demolition
  • The panels are attached to the existing pool structure by anchor clamps and expansion screws, while the pool floor is lined with a reinforced PVC membrane with high density and tensile strength. The entire installation is quick to assemble, does not require any heavy equipment, and significantly reduces the risk of assembly mistakes on site.
Pool lined with PVC membrane
Image: Temuka Community Pool During Panel Assembly
  • The overflow gutter is formed using the same AISI 411 grade stainless steel, laminated with a PVC surface, and folded to form a modular ‘wet deck’ gutter system complete with ABS channel grating. The gutter is installed onto brackets fixed directly to the concrete structure with threaded rods allowing millimetre perfect adjustment of the pools water level and creates a seamless finish to the pool edge.
Before and after image of outdoor pool
Image: Temuka Community Pool Before & After
  • The end result is a completely new swimming pool constructed within the concrete shell of the existing pool.

Providing Real Solutions for Councils

We spoke with experienced local government engineer Ged Brennan on why councils would consider using modular technology for refurbishing their aquatic assets:

Decisions to replace aquatic facilities are often driven by the need to improve aesthetics, but pool managers commonly identify that the standard of operation and related costs are no longer contemporary. This encourages pool managers to replace facilities in advance of reaching end of life of major components of the facilities. The significant financial value of remaining life in structural components of abandoned public pools is lost in these cases.

In many cases the decision whether to use modular technology is a matter of cost assessment, particularly when whole of life costs and opportunity for asset renewal are similarly expensive.

Aquatic infrastructure in particular is challenged by both improving standards of service (including health-related ones) as well the aesthetic appearance of these important public spaces.

In circumstances where pool structures have significant remaining life, the Mytha Renovation system can allow the extension of the life of the aquatic facility through an asset renewal process. The relining system is designed to prevent existing pool leakage issues, provide a contemporary pool appearance, and facilitate treatment equipment upgrade for a fraction of the cost of a complete asset renewal project. In applicable circumstances, the system provides an extension of facilities’ asset lives while addressing the required standards for modern aquatic facilities.

Keeping Costs Low

Building with Myrtha RenovAction Technology means fixed costs, predictable whole of life costs, and a shorter installation time compared to traditional concrete construction which significantly reduces the risk of cost overruns. The speed of a RenovAction installation results in less down time for a facility and in the case of seasonal pools the entire process can be carried out in the off season.

Minimal Maintenance

Sturdy and built to last, a modular structure is not susceptible to the cracking or structural deterioration as often seen in old concrete pools. A simple annual maintenance check can be carried out without the need for a pool closure and only takes a few hours per pool.  Multiple maintenance procedures can be carried out without the need to empty the pool, saving on water costs & substantial shut down periods.

World Class Warranties

With a virtually unlimited lifespan, every Myrtha Pool comes with a 10 year watertight guarantee (extended to 15 years when an annual maintenance inspection is carried out) and a 25 year structural guarantee. This is because the proven characteristics of materials employed protects the pool structure from corrosion common in chlorine rich environments.

When refurbishing a pool with Myrtha Technology there is the security of knowing all aspects of the build fall under one point of responsibility rather than multiple trades all pointing the finger at each other when it comes to warranty claims.

For more information about using modular technology for your next pool refurbishment, contact david.bennison@myrthapools.com OR visit www.myrthapools.com.au

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