Pictured: Daniel Orriss (EGM, SPA) collecting the award on behalf of Scott Young.
Scott Young is the National Technical Manager with Stabilised Pavements of Australia (SPA) and the Managing Director for Stabilised Pavements Malaysia (SPM). Scott is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer (RPEng & RPEQ) and holds a Masters degree in Pavement Technology.
Scott has been in the stabilisation industry for 20 years and is a past President of Australia’s national association, AustStab. He is a current serving technical committee member of the REAAA Australian Chapter and Convenor of AustStab’s National Technical Working Group.
His experience covers civil and geotechnical engineering, predominantly in pavements with areas of responsibility including asset management, structural design, performance specified maintenance contracts, asphalt production and laying, spray sealing, pavement rejuvenation and pavement recycling.

The development of this paper was underpinned by the research thesis completed in 2020 as part of Scott’s Masters Degree. Resolving the issue of how to best rehabilitate thin pavements in local government is a real issue and a current gap in the industry (we can’t continue to do deep box outs that take time, are unsustainable and cost a lot of money). Hence the development of the mix design procedure that now enables asset owners to explore and specify an insitu stabilisation treatment on lightly trafficked existing pavements that are relatively thin and sit directly on the subgrade.
Deliberately choosing to incorporate some subgrade materials into the pavement structure is a bold engineering decision which can now be made with confidence and offers councils another solution that provides huge sustainability and economical benefits.